Before you can wear a respirator here’s what has to happen:
If you’re an employer and your employees wear a respirator, they are required to have a medical approval (Appendix C of OSHA respiratory standard). more details here.
The employee fills out the confidential questionnaire and then submits it to the medical provider of the employer’s choice. 95% (I made that # up) of the time, based upon the questionnaire ONLY, they give an approval to wear a respirator.
Occasionally, some employees are requested to come into the medical office to have a spirometry test performed, which tests for lung function. (a video of how it is done, cool accent included) This tests provides more information for the physician/nurse to determine if wearing a respirator will be too difficult for an employee to wear.
The cost for either test is usually pretty close to the same price… spirometry test, or not.
Here’s my suggestion:  Have every employee perform a spirometry test before wearing a respirator. This helps to guarantee they are capable of wearing a respirator. Maybe they forgot to list a risk factor, maybe they have a hidden serious lung problem, or, maybe they lied on the questionnaire so they can wear a respirator and keep their job.?
It is also beneficial for pre-employment screening, claims defense, and for a baseline in health. The specific results are usually NOT view-able by the employer, but they can be subpoenaed.