When training people who work around asbestos I usually discuss the word “disturbance” for a LONG time. The reason is simple. If you avoid “disturbing” it, you avoid most of the health issues.
As most people are aware, asbestos is found in many types of materials. Floor tiles, popcorn ceilings, wall panels, etc.
Disturbance relates to the specific activities you perform AND the type of material the asbestos is in.
If the asbestos containing material (ACM) is non-friable, then in theory, it takes more effort to disturb the asbestos. If the material is friable, well, you need to be REALLY careful. – and in some cases, breathing can disturb it. For example, an electrician who uncovers an ancient acoustical ceiling panel and finds damaged asbestos pipe insulation laying on top of it…is probably already in trouble. He has essentially disturbed friable asbestos by merely moving the panel.
In contrast, a remodeling company installing a floating laminate hardwood over asbestos 9×9 inch tiles (without damaging them) is [probably*] NOT causing airborne releases of asbestos.
Most of the OSHA/EPA asbestos rules hinge on the matrix of the material and the activity you are performing on it. The reason is this is what makes the asbestos fiber airborne.
*the OSHA rules are very specific as to work activity, please do your due diligence.