Posted by admin under Management, Mines, MSHA, Noise, Silica
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Here in the Northwest, rock crushing definately has a season…and that season is now. Road crews are getting set up and now is the time to make sure you get everything is in order…before the MSHA inspector shows up.
Below is my safety punch-list, specific to industrial hygiene:
- Training – I know it’s required for MSHA sites, but double check. Does everyone have it? What about contractors onsite?
- Water controls working & in place? The dust isn’t bad, yet.
- Air monitoring for silica – done it yet? Are you at a new location? New part of the quarry? Better do it again.
- Miner’s hearing checked (audiogram taken?). Anyone with a threshold shift? Make sure you follow up with another test.
- Are the air conditioning units working in the vehicles? – if they’re not= the windows will be down = noise levels WILL be up.
- Noise monitoring (dosimetry) performed 8-hour time weighted averages? If you don’t do it, MSHA will (maybe will be citation too).
- Is your shop done hardfacing the equipment? see my earlier post here.
- Paperwork in order?
Be safe out there!
If you hardface on construction equipment (or anything) you *probably* have overexposure to airborne hexavalent chromium. There are always exceptions, but if you are using a hardfacing wire/stick with any amount of chromium in it, the process (heat) generates hexavalent chromium. For how this happens, go here.
In construction it is quite common to have buckets and equipment with hardfacing applied to the surfaces in order to protect the equipment from excess wear and deterioration. The grid pattern varies
, but it can look like this.
I realize that the application of the hardfacing procedure doesn’t occur very often. However, when it does, there is usually high levels airborne hexavalent chromium generated. So, what to do?
- Use some type of ventilation system (I know, I know, it messes with the shield gas, but do something!)
- Wear (at least) a 1/2 face tight fitting respirator with P100 (HEPA) filters (honestly, I’d buy a powered air purifying welding hood if I was doing it..and money was not an object)
- Cover any exposed skin (it can be absorbed by your skin)
- Designate the area as hazardous and limit the activities in this area (no eating!)
- Perform air monitoring to verify airborne levels are below limits (and get an IH out to evaluate it)
These suggestions really only scratch the surface of what you should do. Doing all of the above will not even meet the OSHA rules…but it will help protect you from exposure. Here is the OSHA Fact Sheet. Â Another article from Welding Design & Fabrication.