
When performing air monitoring it can be useful to take multiple samples on the same individual throughout the day. Here are some reasons to change out the filters:

  • build up of dust on filter – can cause overloading
  • break-out the exposure data. Morning versus afternoon, or by job tasks, or the physical area the employee is working in, controls vs. no-controls, etc.
  • if you question the employees motives. If you think the employee might skew the results, multiple samples might give you better control- or at least tell you if one is way-out-of-line.

Once you have your data results, how do you combine them?

If you’re taking particulate (dust, lead, cadmium, silica, etc) and you have the concentrations (from the lab) here is what to do.

  1. note the time (in minutes!) and the concentration results (mg/m3, ug/m3, etc) for each sample
  2. multiply the time and concentration for each – then add each number together
  3. finally, divide the above number by the total number of minutes sampled. This is your time weighted average (TWA).

Simple?! Yes. …And it’s really easy to make a mistake too. Check your math, and then eyeball the results and see if they make sense logically.

Here’s an example:

Andrew took three samples during one shift while Shelley was rivet busting through leaded paint. The first sample (118 minutes) was reported as 6.8 ug/m3 of lead, the second was for 245 minutes and had a concentration of 18 ug/m3. The last sample was taken for 88 minutes and was reported a level of 29 ug/m3. The overall results is 17.2 ug/m3 for the total time sampled. (Side: if you sampled for their entire exposure, and they worked longer hours, you could add those hours (assuming zero exposure) into the final time-in step three)

See the math below:

Do you measuring dust on your project/ workplace? If you are a safety professional and you are self-performing this type of sampling here are some tips.

  • Measure for the full shift (including prep and clean up) – clean up can be the worst
  • Depending on the type of dust, you might need to measure by either respirable, or inhalable (IOM) methodology.  -more on this at a later date
  • Watch the dust filter build-up. You might want to change the filter out so as not to overload the cassette. Especially during clean-up.
  • Have you checked for metals? Many types of dust can contain metals. Ask the laboratory for assistance.
  • Consider the placement of the sampling filter. Do you want it downwind? On the collar? Is it on the best employee for sampling?
  • Do you perform an area sample? These are not usually recommended, but sometimes they can give you great information.
  • Information. Capture all the information that might be important to this sampling. Time, humidity, temperature, controls (or lack of), open doors/windows, employee practices, etc.

Living in the NW, stucco is not as prevalent, compared to other areas of the US, as a building material. I finally got the opportunity to perform air monitoring for silica during stucco crack repair. From what the contractor explained, only the top layer of stucco (1/8 inch) is removed. He claimed the top layer is mostly an acrylic. The employee was wearing a 1/2 face tight fitting respirator with P100 (HEPA) cartridges. In addition, engineering controls were used.  The contractor had a grinder with a shroud and vacuum to remove the dust. This would not be considered a worse-case sampling scenario. From conversations with the plasterer-employees onsite, grinding is usually “VERY dusty”.

Sampling performed only for the duration of the grinding (3 hours). Conclusion?: We did not find any detectable levels of silica or respirable dust.

Please don’t use this sampling as the only information on how to proceed for your project. However, here are my observations:

  • If acrylic material is the top 1/4 inch, you may not impact silica (or have any airborne).
  • Airborne dust was very well controlled by grinder with shroud & vacuum (see pic below).
  • Assume you will have dust until you can observe (or prove) otherwise. Wear a respirator.
  • Perception is huge. If there is a big dust cloud coming from your grinder—even if there’s no silica… the observers don’t know the difference, and, well,…you know the story.


I was asked to perform asbestos training…and, “…maybe talk a little on lead”. However, I knew the employees needed to hear something totally different.

The firm requesting the training was a large excavation company that does a lot of road work. The training was at their bi monthly company wide meeting . I was given one hour.

So, my idea: Give them a quick overview of asbestos and lead, and then talk to them about silica. I called the training, “IH Health Topics in Construction”. And, as suspected, the questions that were posed all dealt with either: 1. “in my home I have…” or 2. silica and how to protect themselves.

I have made it my personal aim to talk about silica to as many employees as I can. I throw it into any training (even if I have just 5 minutes). Chances are, these guys WILL have overexposure to silica.  The owner did not mind since I told him we were going to talk about a few different kinds of health issues in construction.

My suggestion: see if you can work Silica into your conversations and trainings.

The big industrial hygiene conference (AIHCe) is held in a different city each year. This year was Indy, Indiana. Below is my personal top ten list  of “lessons learned” from last week.

  1. IH’s need to do a better job of sharing. We don’t share data, experiences, information, knowledge or our ideas well.
  2. CPWR is trying to share. Center for Construction Research & Training.  I’m looking forward to seeing their published independent review of local exhaust ventilation (LEV) units.
  3. The minimum exhaust rate for a portable exhaust unit must be 106 cfm (cubic feet per min) to capture particulates (dust, silica) during tuckpointing with a 5 in grinder (but it’s also a good rule of thumb).
  4. Asphalt milling machines are still a huge silica problem. Water controls are NOT enough. You need a local exhaust system too. (here’s an earlier post I made on it)
  5. GHS Safety Data Sheets – it’s not as complicated as you think. There are some significant changes, but don’t worry, OSHA’s here to help (ha). Seriously, more information will be available soon.
  6. Ignite. Have you seen these before? Short, stand up speeches about their ideas/passions. Similar to TED. Some were better than others. But, did I mention they were short?
  7. Committees. Be careful when you open your mouth. My idea was so great, they are making me do it.
  8.  ANSI A10.49! A health standard for construction. Great idea, but lots of work.
  9. Check out Environment for Children. I don’t know much about it, but they have a great mission.  Believe me, in the US, we’re WAY ahead.
  10. Presentation. It’s all up to you to make it. I will not cast blame on those who had bad presentations. BUT, it reminds me that I should work on this skill. Even if you have something good to say, if you give a horrible presentation, it’s likely no one will notice. On the other side, if your presentation is good, people will listen, even if you’re talking about nothing!  My favorite of the week: Dr. Mike Morgan (Univ. of Washington) on Chromium VI. He was very factual, not too flashy, and make the point without needless details.


‘Tis the season for silica (here, and here too).

I had four observations about this picture,

  1. paper dust masks are totally inadequate for this task, and
  2. why isn’t there any engineering controls (water?, vacuum?), and
  3. why is the observer standing in the dust plume?, and
  4. what does the employees do with their clothes after work?

Please be safe out there.

I had posted a few weeks ago about a recent sighting of silica exposures during concrete/asphalt cutting. Then, today, at a stoplight…there it is.

A worker was using a gas powered hot saw (cut off saw) with an abrasive blade to cut a concrete pipe. No respirator.

If you were me, what would you do? (Leave your answer in the comments section)

  • call the company main office?
  • stop and caution the employee?
  • call OSHA?
  • take a picture and post it for the world to see (check…ha)
  • offer to buy a respirator
  • perform air monitoring for them? (for free, of course.?)

Here in the Northwest, rock crushing definately has a season…and that season is now. Road crews are getting set up and now is the time to make sure you get everything is in order…before the MSHA inspector shows up.

Below is my safety punch-list, specific to industrial hygiene:

  • Training – I know it’s required for MSHA sites, but double check. Does everyone have it? What about contractors onsite?
  • Water controls working & in place? The dust isn’t bad, yet.
  • Air monitoring for silica – done it yet? Are you at a new location? New part of the quarry? Better do it again.
  • Miner’s hearing checked (audiogram taken?). Anyone with a threshold shift? Make sure you follow up with another test.
  • Are the air conditioning units working in the vehicles? – if they’re not= the windows will be down = noise levels WILL be up.
  • Noise monitoring (dosimetry) performed 8-hour time weighted averages? If you don’t do it, MSHA will (maybe will be citation too).
  • Is your shop done hardfacing the equipment? see my earlier post here.
  • Paperwork in order?

Be safe out there!


In  the trainings I perform for employers, I try to explain to them that there IS overexposure to silica on their jobsite. I tell them that if I could be at their site everyday, and be ready to perform air monitoring at a moments notice, I could find overexposures.

Here is an example of a road crew cutting asphalt with a concrete saw. I’m sure it was a small cut (since they were not a concrete cutting subcontractor, and it was a tiny little saw). But the haze you see is the dust plume from the cutting.

I just happened to drive by and be stopped at a red light when this occurred. I know, I probably shouldn’t have touched my phone (while in my car) to take a picture…but I couldn’t resist. And, with that same train of thought, the road construction crew probably thought, “it’s just a small cut and it will only take 5 minutes”. So, neither of us are innocent


The question I commonly hear is:

Do I need to wear a respirator while cutting concrete wet? What, if so, what type?

To simple answer is, yes.

If wet concrete cutting is done correctly, you should not need a respirator. However, what happens is that in the field, many variables occur. ((Engineering Controls)) Sometimes the water will be directed at the top of the blade (for cooling, not for dust control). The water must be directed at the cutting site on the blade in order to control dust.

Another variable is ((Administrative Controls)) clean up. Do the workers clean up the wet slurry? Or, do they wait till it’s dry and then use a leaf blower?  Do they vacuum the slurry? What happens when the job is done and the vacuum is in the shop? Does the employee wet it down, or blow it off?

Also, what happens when your worker is cutting wet and the water stops? Does he continue? What about if he get to a curb? Do they get the Stihl hot saw and cut wet? What if they don’t have water for that saw?

So, technically, if done correctly, a respirator should not be needed. However, if you don’t have the protocols, air monitoring data, and management controls in place to do it correctly, get a respirator.

Which respirator, you ask? Minimum would be a tight fitting negative pressure half face with HEPA filters. If they are knowingly performing concrete cutting dry – then it needs to be a full face respirator.


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