Posted by admin under ACGIH, Federal OSHA, GHS, industrial hygienist, Management, Misc, MSDS, OSHA, PEL (Perm Exp Limit), Risk, SDS
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The new global harmonization system (GHS) is officially adopted by OSHA. Each state run program is rolling out their acceptance of the new changes. Where I live, we have until December 2013 to train employees in this new type of hazard communication.
Honestly, I’m NOT too EXCITED about it. But, I’m trying to have a good attitude. Below are some good things which may occur:
- Raise the level of awareness of hazardous materials & their toxicity
- Train employees (hopefully, retrain) on how to handle chemicals
- More training = less citations. (?)Â OSHA’s top ten citations include #3 – hazard communication. Maybe people will actually do the training?! (my guess is that there will be more citations)
- Consistent information worldwide. Â All UN countries should have the same format. (this might take years)
- Proprietary information will be more visible on the SDS. In the new rules, manufacturers are required to list the % of their proprietary ingredients.
- Pictograms! They’re so cool. My favorite is the exploding person.
- Maybe this is my favorite?!: Manufacturers will have to look again at their products and classify them according to the physical & health criteria. Nowadays with more relevant information from worldwide occupational exposure limits, it might help make employers aware of the hazards.
- This might help OSHA enforce newer exposure limits (other than the 1978 AGCIH TLVs).

How do you plan on training your employees? If you need help, contact me here.